Your dream of getting a perfect body now can come true with third-generation liposuction procedure that is also called hi-definition Vaser treatment that is mainly used in body sculpting. There are subtle differences between traditional liposuction procedures and hi-definition Vaser. The latter is called body sculpting.<\/p>\n
Body sculpting is usually performed in problem areas to help patients get toned and perfect shape. It is the most advanced form of body contouring where both superficial and deep fat (fat that is normally resistant to exercises) is treated through this procedure. NuBodySculpting is one of the few certified clinics to offer hi-definition liposuction solution in more than thirteen locations across UK.<\/p>\n
NuBodySculpting was founded by a group of modern age plastic surgeons determined to offer state-of-art cosmetic surgery solutions to patients. We perform a long list of beautification surgeries comprising breast implant, nipple correction, breast implant removal surgeries along with liposuction and body sculpting.<\/p>\n
NuBodySculpting has been one of the premier cosmetic surgery solutions providers in the UK for more than a decade. Over these years we have treated more than 2,000 patients. All our clinics are situated at modern set-ups with the latest equipment and a team of talent, young professionals so that only the best solutions are delivered.<\/p>\n
It has remained a continuous endeavour to remain a leader in the arena of aesthetic surgeries and solutions; NuBodySculpting is therefore markedly different from the rest.<\/p>\n